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tv   [untitled]    September 22, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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this could be a real threat. to. european extremists. against the summer of film insulting islam spills into a second weekend as scores are injured in the capital of bangladesh while crowds rally outside the u.s. consulate and so wrong. georgian police lose patience with protesters with the first reported of us outrage of robin hood over a video. screen home preferably used by guards. and dozens of peaceful demonstrators are arrested in bahrain as police take down the margin at this point government offices to ease up on the press and activists.
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welcome this is r.t. live from moscow armoring a call survives good to have you with us first here is a plastic missions across the world have been targeted by more and so american protests we're trying now into their second weekend two thousand muslims gathered outside the u.s. consulate and soran so while a peaceful march was staged in germany now in the capital of bangladesh hundreds of protesters have clashed with police with scores reportedly entered fresh violence have also taken place in pakistan where at least nineteen were killed on friday a pakistani minister has offered a hundred thousand dollars for the death of the maker of the islamic and film that sparked the un rice on saturday demonstrators in libya venting their anger at the bases of islamist militias. that of television american ambassador to the country
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journalist lawrence freeman says of washington's policies in the region are to blame for the ongoing violence. this situation is not directly correlate by this film attacking islam but you have a few you have people who are trying to show there are certain only in the muslim world and it's been working straight is exactly to get the most extreme element into these kind of frenzied demonstrations but the underlying reality is the fact that the u.s. policy towards libya towards north africa towards the middle east is the number one problem and it's the demonstrations and the use to create essentially are for many years religious rule would you something must be written about the clash of civilization but the what happened in libya predated the plants that were freed baby this is the monsoon so that wasn't the cause of the crisis in libya it was
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well known. and georgia for protestors have reportedly been harassed that doesn't sense crowds consented surveille against the president the scandal that's was sparked by it see the broadcast footage showing the torture and rape of a night spy guards in the georgian jail demonstrators now want the prosecution of several fish also resigned over the outrage and artie's a go to school for ports from the georgian capital for us. a group of activists tried to break through a police ring around one of the government buildings and people are demanding the arrest of the former interior minister he resigned after these shocking videos when's public but many here say that's not enough they want all the officials responsible to be prosecuted in fact the shocking footage of the alleged torture and sexual abuse of georgian rates by the authorities is widely complete here moved back from guantanamo except maybe caus us terror suspects while here we're talking
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about ordinary georgian inmates that's why it's causing a huge wave of public anger on friday a group of journalists was allowed to enter the. prison of one of the main ones in the country and spoke with some inmates and they say that they are still afraid that the abuse is going to continue even though president saakashvili has temporarily substituted the staff of all prisons across the country with police officers earlier our team managed to speak with the man who started all this going to be the cause and belief easy dios used to be a senior staff member also be good on the prison he claims to have filmed many of these videos himself on the orders of the head of the prison and he says that he didn't want to get involved in politics but he just wanted the whole world to know what's secretly going on across the whole country also says that the interior minister himself shot some of this video and showed it to president saakashvili people got there also released some of the details about how the inmates were
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chosen for this abuse he says that sometimes they were just random people but often they were the ghosts in opposition to president saakashvili all of this is a major blow to the georgian authorities after is to create this image of a transparent and western penitentiary system and it's also a blow to their personal image as well since the parliamentary election is coming up on the first of october and according to some polls because saakashvili and the ruling party have already lost up to twenty percent of potential votes. and the full interview with the man who leaked the seven footage of a dinner by the gods is available for you right now on our website that's r.t. dot com and it's coming your way here at four thirty g.m.t. . now and so our government arrests right now spurned activists to call for more demonstrations that's after twenty nine people were detained in iran more police used tear gas and rubber bullets but ryan sealants majority have been pushing for better civil rights from the ruling western backed sumatriptan since early two
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thousand and eleven more than fifty people have died in the crackdown since the opposition figures have been jailed including movement leader have never job for attending watches and rally support for in this week accepted most of the u.i. human rights accommodations pledge and so easier on protesters and improved lines of political prisoners thoughts international affairs analyst sly also exhausting fears cranes only operating for show. i believe that there are going to continue to repressive measures and if they appear that they are going to cause. issues that's just going to because we don't receive. a particular washing. the united states. taking part there as will the headquarters of fifty ft us to be. located
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i don't think that the. east is to try to coax. people freedom of speech by european. appears like yes there are. report that they should need of course that they are going to try to follow them try to relax their repressive over the majority of the population but it's just for the media for public. and still to come shortly tonight love honor and put a lot said the story of two former hamas prisoners freed early after committing that song and how their lives have changed. over the stock so they left behind. like millions of americans i've lost thousands of dollars in retirement funds and i haven't had as bad as many it's not just about them it's about me to.
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me ma'am. it's. needed. now. since this is my film i get the last word this financial crisis will not be turned off like a light sleep. download
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. the application. stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. it's not required to watch all you need is your mobile device. any time. the u.s. congress writes instant post political sanctions on ukraine unless former prime
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minister gets a motion is released from prison in october two thousand and eleven so much of that was found guilty of abuse of office over two thousand and nine castille with russia since then the former prime minister has been serving a seven year sentence at a jail in the city of hyde of washington has also called for the state department to impose visa sanctions on those responsible for its emotion as the tension. and from servants home to prime time next the story of a former palestinian prisoner who was jailed for her part in organizing a deadly slaughter yet today she's a t.v. star hailed by viewers while others worry that horizon fame sends the wrong message to other palestinians middle east correspondent policy has a story. every friday viewers across the arab world into this talk show to me it's presenting them to me as a hero a symbol of palestinian resistance against the israeli occupation broadcast on the
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air mass affiliated al could stevie it highlights the fate of palestinian prisoners in israeli jails are lovely a topic close to the heart of its young presenter back in two thousand and one on this busy intersection in downtown jerusalem was one of the most popular pitzer restaurants in the city it was just after two o'clock in the afternoon when atlanta mimi said goodbye to a suicide bomber and left him to his mission it was the busiest time of the summer holidays and the restaurant was packed with schoolchildren and their parents fifteen people died that day in the suicide bombing i have had helped plan another one hundred thirty where wounded one is still in a coma. i was. listening know that you are religious. see the both sides see what happened before many of the close will do is understand that this is the right way to do to fight. our home was sentenced to sixteen life
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terms for her role but in the end a ham served only ten years of her prison same terms in october last year she was set free during a deal between israel and hamas in which one israeli soldier gilad shalit was exchanged for one thousand and twenty seven palestinian prisoners yet you must not dismiss the one all of us one hundred fifty women prisoners were crowded around the one prison radio i knew they would read out all of the women's names first when i heard my name i was extremely happy but it was mixed with sadness for the women who were not being freed i couldn't sleep for forty eight hours until we were least. excel to jordan where she received a hero's welcome and much to the chagrin of the family she'd helped kill she was able to pick up her life and wait for the man she'd made only once one in prison and vowed to marry but. i remember every single detail of our first meeting she
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came to visit me in the prison and when she saw me she started crying the sentence i will never forget she said finally i did the second dream of mine and the first was to come back to palestine and the second is to see you in his own was serving life for killing any israeli settler the two are related and our home had grown up hearing stories about her imprisoned cousin he too was set free in the same prisoner exchange deal. before further north i was not surprised she was part of the exchange because i knew how mass would never sign a contract without her name i was guessing too that i would also be released but even after i heard my name read out i couldn't believe it. a few months later the two married in freedom and unlikely waiting because of the bloodshed that haunts the past. if the right. but i feel that it's not.
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it's a message to iran with which to all before. the whole people that want to be. this is a love story stood the test of time but to the families of those they killed it is enjoying insult to the memory of those who died. r.t. . and a little later this hour britain's welfare warriors leaders say friends that could mean that one of the poorest or plans offered some and. worry about what the brothers see very. many people are great you know and there's too much public interest in everybody's private business it's more like a cultural thing i think everybody just wants everybody's. arrest then sets off to the sky over just how far people will go to put side their private data from. coming up let's take
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a look there now at some other news making headlines around the world this hour first leaders of the main rebel group for the syrian army have now moved their command center from turkey to the liberated area of syria the decision was made to assist opposition forces and do nothing to bring about the fall of president bashar assad's government meanwhile fierce fighting between assad's forces and rebels continues throughout syria with most of the violence for poison in the country's financial a lot of. clashes between shiites tribesmen and ultraconservative sunni's have claimed twelve lives in northern gammon sense and escalated in the region after the country's authorities appointed new governors from the sunni islam party last week at least two hundred people have been killed in ongoing violence over the last year between the two groups. ecuador says. it's ready to transfer doing a massage to sweden under its protection so he can respond to sex mama legations
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his face in there however the move would require all while sentient from being made the wiki leaks out it's or has been holed up in the ecuadorian embassy in london since june and he was granted asylum last month as sanch fears that if you were sent to sweden he would then face on the war the extradition to the us to stand trial for espionage. a senior iranian military commander has claimed a war with israel will eventually happen stressing that it would only lead to the destruction of the jewish state the statement comes during sacred defense week which is underway right now in iran and it's you countries have exchanged multiple threats over to iran's nuclear program which it claims is complete. at least fifty people have reportedly been a rusted in paris or an unauthorized protest over satirical cartoons mocking the prophet mohammad in a french magazine of hershel say police are on alert as fresh mortars have been
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planted in the city for sunday last week and some a stray she's all over the u.s. made and saw islam film have led to one hundred and fifty arrests in the french capital. now britain's poorest star likely to get another hit from the treasury chief who's trying to rein in spending millionaire george osborne wants to freeze welfare payments for two years artie's political has the story. it's areas such as this one london's tory a state that have been bearing the brunt of the british government's austerity drive already more than one in four children here in the u.k. live in poverty and sadly that figure is only projected to increase even so the coalition government says that they need to lash. out on the welfare bill in order to cut national debt by twenty fifteen now the british chancellor george osborne is reportedly considering freezing working age benefits in order to hit that target
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we're already talking about groups of people who are squeeze are struggling have had their living standards affected over the last couple of years because of what's happened in the global economic environment and what's been happening to sit at home and if this change or something like it was to go through we would see those living standards further affected for the worst at the moment welfare payments are linked to inflation and that is increasing much frost of the wages back in june prime minister david cameron said that it's unfair that the earnings of the people that do work in the u.k. are increasing much more slowly than the benefits of the eight percent of the british population that is currently out of work now analysts see another group being dragged into this and that's the so-called we used middle that are currently struggling would be increasing costs of food fuel and clothing almost seven million
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working adults here in britain struggle with the basic cost of living and it's areas such as these where the trickle down effect of stretched pay packets and a benefits freeze are going to be most devastating. scotland's push for independence gathered around five thousand supporters at a rally in that emerged on saturday and there's more to come as nationalists try to convince them. perhaps that's that they would be better off outside of the day ahead of a referendum and two thousand and fourteen. the organizers want similar demonstrations to take place on the annual basis building up to that vote trying to gain some momentum on the issue any issue and decision when it comes to independence likely to be thrashed out here in the building behind me in westminster and here is where alex down the head of the scottish national party just this week met david cameron the prime minister he also there's some received
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a bitter rebuke from the work and pensions minister he said and the scottish national party wouldn't be able to handle the welfare state independently as something that sounded supporters a said is a soul to an attitude that really few calls for independence on top of that one the main issues that there is fueling the fire when it comes to independents has been the handling in westminster of finances on the back of the financial crisis some of it's received a lot of criticism and underpinning all of that offshore north sea all revenues expected to earn about thirty four billion dollars on an annual basis and that's something that scotland and its populace seem increasingly wanting to get their hands on. well in the balance campaign left scotland needs to break away from the u.k. so to move its political and social goals. so with independence one of the biggest
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advantages is the ability to create a feeder society the ability to do is to design our own financial system the ability to design our own welfare system in scotland we've gone down a different path we have the education we could free prescription charges we're focusing mar far more on construction and job creation and investing in and they're going to me scotland has massive potential in their new industry and in fact the scottish government has just invested a lot of money in the green industry so in scotland we're choosing to do on a different path and we've done really well in the areas where we have come to so we have different parties you know what westminster do and about and we want to the biggest advanced use of independence was to be able to do so so the different parties in all the other areas of competency which we don't cut and we haven't. and the stories were a cover there are also available on our website our team dot com and here's a claim so what we've got there for you right now just amazing sound of all there
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on and ten still horses that slides anywhere on the high seas and increase its presence and international waters. in. the france of a music festival in madrid that has become the setting for of violent urban battle with dozens and heard you can find out all about god and mosque more on arts and golf. is easy. to. do. in the.
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download the official application so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. there's no required to watch on t.v. you only need your mobile device more charts you need any time any of the. with crowds of people eager to get their hands on the new i phone five few are actually aware that apple is now researching new ways it's not precisely just where you use your device but some are fired him back computer gurus from around the world are now teaching people how to protect their privacy and it sees resin laurie harmfulness finds out of people in the big apple know how to keep their secrets.
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security professionals and hackers around the world are holding classes in cryptography to teach people how to protect themselves in the digital world how concerned are you with your virtual privacy this week let's talk about that are you worried about your privacy online or on your computer or privacy very. many people are crazy you know and i know that he's he's i mean just signed up for it in a banking because he was always concerned that someone was going to camp and steal is money but i think it comes down to convenience it's easier just to go online and check everything. it's just a bit scary did you use a password that is your pet or your street name or something like that or just. because that's an easy one to get yeah what do you think is the biggest villain out there in terms of invasion of privacy is it the public at large the government hackers. i'd say not so and not enough is being done on the part of the government
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and there's too much public interest in everybody's private business it's more of like a cultural thing i think everybody just wants everybody's stuff you know yeah and it's weird that companies are making money off of people's private information that's to be expected if they can make money they will i don't give me information in. my name maybe if. that's all what about on your computer though do you have sensitive files. that maybe better think about it yeah i think about it but. you can encrypt it would you take a class to learn how to encrypt and you don't care that much. do you keep any personal back on your computer yeah no one would you take a cryptography class to learn how to protect it more. probably not no. the study is why do you think people don't do more
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because i think. maybe we expect it's going to happen to other people and never to ourselves the same reasons we eat poorly and don't accept size at the same reasons we don't protect ourselves are you suggesting whether or not you're concerned about your digital privacy the bottom line is that virtual world is swiftly becoming what the real world says a place where big brother and bad forces might be watching him. and coming up an artsy after the break the darkest secrets of the world's financial giant surveillance and the cars reports of stay with us. wealthy british soil it's time to.
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market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our. world including. science technology innovation all the news developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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the friendship asian of russia has started again after two hundred years up at the . jet the imprint of polio has arrived from overseas to lead the army i have to really take my time to prepare myself to get it right i know. the bloody battle near moscow is going to start over . james brown will reveal the victor the soldier's a back to do it all again. but you know version twenty twelve on our teeth. break. and creative. elegance and full and public speaking.
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a few european bodybuilders against millions week immigrants. it's may not seem so serious now. but this could be a real threat to. european extremists. imax kaiser this is their kaiser report you know they say if you remember the sixty's you weren't really there well actually other people say the sixty's if you recall turned on janet drop out that was a thing to say today it's drop dead body you ain't got high net worth value or you might as well opt out face or yes max and they were getting very high back and today it's all of.


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